Tillsammans med våra spännande gäster ska vi försöka besvara tre frågor. Vad är meditation? Varför är det bra att meditera? Men viktigast av allt, hur gör man? I varje avsnitt kommer du även att få chansen att meditera under guidning av gästen eller av Axel. Vi hoppas att våra samtal och meditationer kommer inspirera dig att antingen ta det första steget till att börja meditera eller att meditera mera. Låt oss få hela Sverige att meditera! Podden görs av Axel Wennhall och Gustav Nord.
Thursday May 30, 2019
Paul Hurcomb - Meditation and Stillness
Thursday May 30, 2019
Thursday May 30, 2019
Paul Hurcomb is a spiritual teacher holding retreats and meetings in the UK, Spain and in the Nordics. We speak about when he in his mid 30's became critically ill and recognized the truth beyond his conditioned individual identity. He understood that this experience had revealed something within him that no book, belief or technique ever could. Paul speaks about the shift from the person to presence and to the self. We speak about that meditation is a complete letting go and that we then can start to ask ourselves, who am I? What remains stable within when everything is moving? Paul shares that enlightenment is a huge disappointment for the ego. We talk about the inner child, what it is and how you can work with it. How you know that you’re working with strong emotions rather than disconnecting from them and that spirituality is about self-honesty and authenticity. Paul gives the advice to don’t pick up I and Axel shares his insights from participating in Paul’s retreat. Paul ends our conversation by guiding a meditation and a self-enquiry.
For more information about Paul and Meetings in Stillness, visit https://www.meetingsinstillness.com
Meditera Mera är en podcast från Mindfully, Sveriges nya meditationsapp. Du kan prova Mindfully kostnadsfritt i sju dagar. Ladda hem Mindfully på vår hemsida, App Store eller på Google Play.
För mer information om Mindfully, besök vår hemsida www.mindfully.nu.