Tillsammans med våra spännande gäster ska vi försöka besvara tre frågor. Vad är meditation? Varför är det bra att meditera? Men viktigast av allt, hur gör man? I varje avsnitt kommer du även att få chansen att meditera under guidning av gästen eller av Axel. Vi hoppas att våra samtal och meditationer kommer inspirera dig att antingen ta det första steget till att börja meditera eller att meditera mera. Låt oss få hela Sverige att meditera! Podden görs av Axel Wennhall och Gustav Nord.
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
Dr. A.T Ariyaratne - Meditation and Charity
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
Dr. A.T Ariyaratne, also known as the Gandhi of Sri Lanka, founded Sarvodaya the largest non-government movement in the country back in 1958. During 60 years, Sarvodaya has been active in over 18,000 villages in Sri Lanka and Dr. A.T Ariyaratne has led tens of thousands of "family gatherings" and meditations with millions of people throughout Sri Lanka and other parts of the world. He has received several international awards such as The Gandhi Peace Prize and sharing other international honors with other peace makers such as Nelson Mandela and Dalai Lama and he has also been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Dr. A.T Ariyaratne speaks about the purpose of meditation, to find the truth about your own life and others, including nature and purify your mind. We speak about how meditation can help create peace since all wars starts in the minds of people. In the middle of our talk, Dr A.T Ariyaratne guides us through a metta meditation (loving kindness) that he also recommends for beginners. He tells us about how Sarvodaya work with the villages, starting with their basic needs and then through meditations, awaken individuals, families and the whole community. Dr. A.T Ariyaratne ends our conversation by giving us all the advice that if you want to change the world, start by loving yourself and then others and the rest will follow.
Do you want to know more or about Dr. A.T Ariyaratne and Sarvodaya or get in touch with the movement, go to www.sarvodaya.org
Meditera Mera är en podcast från Mindfully, Sveriges nya meditationsapp. Du kan prova Mindfully kostnadsfritt i sju dagar. Ladda hem Mindfully på vår hemsida, App Store eller på Google Play.
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